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Estate Planning Council of CANADA

Cross-Border Planning and International Estate Governance Issues

  • November 09, 2021
  • 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
  • Zoom


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Practitioners and foreign advisers whose clients have assets, children, parents or a spouse in other countries, or whose tax liabilities are difficult to define because of nationality, employment, or residence issues will find straightforward information in this presentation.

Authors Hauser and Langa flag potential mistakes and pitfalls and discuss ways to avoid them.  Combining their many years of private practice as advisors they shed light on  the cultural, international, and interstate differences in attitudes and practices towards  estate planning instruments such as trusts, wills, or foreign gifts, the concept of testamentary freedom, and a host of other matters that, if ignored, could lead to significant losses. They complement this information by providing first-hand accounts of how estate planning is handled around the world. 

We are also sharing a chapter from their book “International Estate Planning: A Reference Guide”.

Melissa Langa is the managing shareholder of the Boston Massachusetts trusts & estates law firm of Bove &  Langa, PC. Ms. Langa is an adjunct professor teaching estate planning in the Graduate Tax Program at Boston University School of Law. She is a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estates Council (ACTEC).  Ms. Langa is a co-author of International Estate Planning: A Reference Guide (Second Edition) with Barbara Hauser and a co-author of The Complete Book of Wills, Estates, and Trusts (Fourth Edition) with Alexander A. Bove Jr. She co-authors the Trustworthy Advisor column for the Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. 

Barbara R Hauser works with multi-generational families to create governance systems, solutions to family conflicts, promote long-term success, share best practices, and structure global assets. From family office services to explaining offshore trusts, strategies for succession and strong board governance.

Barbara R. Hauser has been advising wealthy families for more than 25 years. Previously, she worked as a private client lawyer, as an executive at various financial institutions, and as a global independent family adviser. Ms. Hauser has worked with a number of influential families in Europe, the United States, and Asia. She is a frequent speaker in many countries and is the author or co-author of several books, including her most recent, International Family Governance and International Estate Planning.

Registration $15 - Limited complimentary registration for first-time guests. 

No charge for EPC Canada Members.

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