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Estate Planning Council of CANADA

Emotional Intelligence for Successors

  • August 25, 2021
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Has not attended an EPCC event before

* A joint event with the Ottawa Estate Planning Council and the Kelowna Estate Planning Society.

All of us recognize the importance of leadership, especially as we consider succession in our family firms. What can we do, to improve our own leadership and those who follow us?

Join David C. Bentall, as we together explore how to cultivate emotional intelligence, both personally and professionally. In this highly personal presentation, David will share how a lack of emotional intelligence radically impacted his own career. Building on this, he will then explain how emotional intelligence can TURBO-CHARGE our leadership.  

During this workshop we will explore nine character traits that all of us will want to add to our emotional toolkit. Not only will these qualities enable us to be better leaders, they will also help us to build stronger relationships in our families and in our businesses. 

  • Key Takeaways:

·        Discover how your heroes influence your leadership
·      Learn why humility is more than just a nice idea
·      See how patience can accelerate your success
·      Differentiate between critical thinking and a critical spirit

Speaker Bio:

David C. Bentall is a G3 successor. Having worked for 20 years in the family business ( serving 7 years as President & CEO of Dominion Construction) he is a graduate of both UBC and the Harvard Business School. He now serves as an Adjunct Professor at the Sauder School of Business. As the Founding Principle of Next Step Advisors, he is a widely respected mentor, workshop leader, and family enterprise advisor. David is dedicated to helping families learn and grow together, and is the author of three books, including Dear Younger Me, “Wisdom for Family Enterprise Successors”.

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